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Promoting continued stability and growth for Georgia cotton and peanut producers.


Thank you for taking the time to visit the Georgia Producer’s Alliance website. The GPA is very excited about what we’ve been able to accomplish during the past few months and we are even more excited about the direction of this group as we move forward.
We encourage you, as a member of an agricultural community, to consider joining the GPA. It is very important that we work together to promote continuity and stability for our collective industries. Never before has it been as important as it is now for us to come forth and lobby together to promote and protect the future of agriculture.

While it is possible to speak as individuals it carries a great weight when we come together and speak as a group. That is why we ask you to join us in our efforts in being proactive opposed to reactive in regards to those policies which directly affect us as an industry and community. 


Thank you for your time, 

Tony W. Lasseter

A Word from Our Chairman
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About Us

We are a group of cotton and peanut producers who have formed an advocacy group to collectively protect the interest and to expand the line of communication between producers, policy makers, and the general public.

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